Thursday, March 28, 2013

Not for Body, For Mind

Yoga is an exercise that can gainfully affect your entire body. The stretches, poses, breathing, etc. will absolutely help one achieve many goals in different areas such as flexibility, strength, and power. These things are not why I go to yoga classes and do yoga on my own. Yoga has really affected my mind in a very positive and life-changing way.

Before I started doing yoga I struggled with extreme anxiety and sometimes get to the point of depression. For a decently young man this worried me tremendously, which in turn just made the anxiety worse. I started eating healthy and working out very hard and that definitely helped with my problems, but what truly has helped the most has been yoga. Learning how to calm myself and get away from my body with poses and movements has become my minds saving grace.

Without yoga, exercise, and the right diet I found my mind constantly wandering to the unknown and to the painful experiences in my life. This happened at all hours of the day and night which made it much worse because I could not sleep for long periods of time (I went weeks without getting a good nights sleep). Yoga has truly helped me focus on the things that I can change and not the things that I can't. It has given me an oasis from my wandering thoughts and I am so glad I started the journey.

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